Online Registration Procedure
N.B. Do not forget to attach a bank slip and your original Degree or temporary Degree and a bank Slip.
- Pay/ deposit a total of 4000.00 birr (3000.00 birr for year 2024/25 registration fee and annual membership fee 1000.00 birr) through one of the below listed accounts including Tele birr code 864887
- Fill out an online form on our website under the menu “become a member”
- Scan or take a clear photo of the bank slip and attach it in the space provided
- Submit the form
- CBE Acc No: 1000603072581
- Abyssinia Bank: 108487828
- Abyssinia Bank: 108487828
- Ahadu bank : 0011479510901
Ethiopian Training and Development Professionals Association Start Up Members Registration Form
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In person Registration Procedure
- Bring One 3*4 recent photo
- Bring Annual fee ETB 1,000
Address: Ethiopian Training and Development Professionals Association /ETDPA/ Head Office: Beklobet area, Guarad Mall 7th floor